trouble connecting to MARP? : LUSENET : MAME Action Replay : One Thread

If you're having trouble connecting to MARP, you could try using this address instead, which points to the same place:

I think you should be able to replace '' with '' in any bookmarks that you have and get to the same places.

I received an email from JoustGod saying he couldn't connect, and now I've found that can't connect to either. It seems that the address is missing from some DNS servers - maybe the address has been deleted, or changed, or something, I don't know...


-- Zwaxy (, March 03, 1999


I've been getting this problem recently too, not just for MARP but the offical MAME page and Pugsy cheat page as well. Sometimes the frames will appear but not the actual text. The '' address seems to give the same "Unable to resolve host" error.

-- Octavian (, March 03, 1999.

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