Important: Please don't upload any recordings for a few : LUSENET : MAME Action Replay : One Thread |
I just got disconnected from, and when I tried to get back in, I got this message:
We are currently performing a very MASSIVE upgrade to our systems. In order to assure all your data is properly moved, we will not be allowing any updates for a period of time. Roughly, 6:00pm EST until 12:00 EST. We apologize for this inconvienence, however the wait will be WELL worth it. :)Your Sysadmins...
Now, they may *think* that they're not allowing updates, but they didn't reckon on my upload script... so you could continue to upload recordings, but... it might assure that our data is improperly moved... and we wouldn't want that, would we!
I think that mostly what would happen is that your new uploads would be lost, but who can tell.
So I guess the best thing is if you don't upload until I post another of these messages... I'll mention on the 'NEWS' page when it's safe to unload again, too.
-- Zwaxy (, March 04, 1999
Oops! I didn't get this message until after the Chiller inp uploaded. I may have to re-upload this one, no problem.
-- JoustGod (, March 04, 1999.
chiller...what a game :) thats all i can say about itno wonder it never came here back in 86....
-- Krool (, March 06, 1999.