WANTED: MC for Pet in South Texas

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Maine Coon Cats : One Thread

I am helping a friend find a Maine Coon cat for a pet. He does not really care if this cat is a pedigreed cat, but would prefer a male MC that is fairly large. He will also consider a young adult cat, as well as a kitten, and of course wants a lovable and litter trained kitty in good health. He lives in San Antonio, but would consider a kitty just about anywhere in Texas or bordering states. He really doesn't know much about buying a cat to be shipped, but will consider other options as well.

Please e-mail me, if you can help us locate this special kitty. He will have a fine home with a loving owner, who has no other pets. This kitty will obviously be king of his castle, and have the best veterinary care.

Thanks in advance for your help.

-- Anonymous, March 07, 1999


Please check the following website for Texas breeders. You're sure to find what you're seeking! http://www.mcbfa.org/members/

-- Anonymous, May 20, 1999

I have an 8 yo female spayed, declawed maine coon who is a beautiful cat. She needs to be the "princess cat." She had been but is now competing with and older cat and my son's kitten and is not happy. I want to find a home where she can truly be the princess. I live in Plano, TX a suburb of Dallas.

-- Anonymous, October 16, 2000

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