Angulon and Super Angulon -- What's the difference? : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread |
I keep seeing Angulon and Super Angulon and wonder what the difference is. The "Super Angulon" Seems to be more expensive, but how it differs from the other lens I don"t know. Will both cover the same field so that the same movements on the camera can be used, or does the one allow for more tilts and swings? I would appreciate your help. Thanks.
-- Bill Tate (, March 10, 1999
do a search. Tuan has a section on this very site called something like new vs. classic. lazy just plain lazy.
-- trib (, March 10, 1999.
Oh sure Tribb. Just beat up the newcomers. Sensitive
-- sensitive guy (, March 12, 1999.