Xenar 300 f5.6 - any thoughts on this lense

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread

I am considering buying a Xenar 300 f5.6 used. The shutter and glass seems perfect. I am found some specs saying that the lens is 4 elements in 3 groups. I would like to know if anyone out there has this lens and what your thoughts are one it. How is the contrast and sharpness? Is it worth getting for $500 or should I look at a new version? I would be using this lens along with 2 Nikons I already have for nature work.

Thanks all!


-- Scott Hopkins (hopkins@davesworld.net), March 13, 1999


Scott - I picked one up last year to use on my 810 Deardorff. It's a whole lot contrastier than my 12" Commercial Ektar - in fact it's so much "harder" that I won't use it for people pix. $500 is a good price, considering what newer glass is going for these day, even used. Dick Fish Smith College

-- Dick Fish (dfish@javanet.com), March 14, 1999.

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