cool Suggestion. : LUSENET : MAME Action Replay : One Thread

Hello all,

I was thinking, since that chat room Chris tried to put together back some time ago never really worked out too good, how about us marpers sharing our ICQ # (for the ones who have one) amongst us players so we have the capability of chatting a much easier way. I allready chat regularly (for some it's been a little longer) with Krool, Beejay, JSW, Dith,and Joust God. The cool thing about ICQ is that there is a way to set up a conference where you can chat with up to 12 people at once! Just bring up their window, and then minimize it in a way so that you can fit multiple people on your desktop. Joust God, JSW, Krool, Walter Day (Twin Galaxies) and myself have done this once before back some time ago and it was really cool!! It made my desktop look like I was playing the Hollywood Squares with all those people on it! :) Just an idea. So what do you all think? Regards, Steve Krogman

-- stephen krogman (, March 17, 1999


I've always liked the idea of us MARPers being able to contact each other by means other than e-mail. You can contact me at 5241168 on the ICQ network. Give me a buzz anytime!

John "JoustGod" Rhodes

-- JoustGod (, March 18, 1999.

You may reach me at 1288305.

FYI, ICQ also has a full IRC-style chatting function, which is capable of handling an unlimited number of people in the same room. =Angry=

-- Angry (, March 19, 1999.

Forgot to mention my ICQ #. It's 8658150. Available anytime!

Steve Krogman.

PS Angry, that sounds really cool!! I didn't know ICQ had the capabilities of doing that! I'm just wondering how many people you can fit on your desktop at once! I guess it depends on the size of yoru monitor! :)

-- stephen krogman (, March 19, 1999.

My ICQ number is 319636, but I'm not often on ICQ. It doesn't work with the firewall that I'm behind, so I have to telnet to a linux box and run an ICQ clone on there. It doesn't support the IRC-like chat mode, either, but I can get messages using it, but then, that's pretty much like email, so there's not a lot of point. :o(


-- Zwaxy (, March 19, 1999.

hi, im Krool

if youre lonely and looking for a good time, give me a call on #3745134...5'11", brown hair, stunning figure and waiting for your call

dont be shy, call now!

*costs us$2.99 per minute, kids, ask your parents first

-- Krool (, March 19, 1999.

I haven't used ICQ much, at least since I hopelessly lost the ICQ#/Password for my Callus matchmaking account (I'd been foolish enough to have it save the password so I never typed it, and it wasn't guessable) but I added one in again. You can find me at #34117805.


-- Aquatarkus (, March 19, 1999.

Steve - like Angry said, if u change the chat layout style to IRC format, it doesn't matter how many ppl you have in the chat, as it works in a line by line IRC format..

and btw my number is 26941763 for those who don't have it

-- JSW (, March 19, 1999.

You can find me at #19121012. Contact me anytime. German Krol

-- German Castagnasso (, March 21, 1999.

Suppose I had better add myself to this.

My ICQ# is 14927279. I am not online all that often though.

- Barry Rodewald

-- Barry Rodewald (, March 22, 1999.

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