hind feet ticklish?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Maine Coon Cats : One Thread

Has anyone observed an unusual sensitivity of hind feet in the Maine Coon cat breed? I've just adopted my second Maine Coon cross, and both have hated to have hind feet touched, unlike other cats I've known. Is this a general trait, and if so, I'm wondering --why? There seems to be nothing WRONG with their feet; are they ticklish?

-- Anonymous, March 21, 1999


Yes! They seem to be ticklish. I notice that often. Their toetufts are quite long and it is almost like when we have a piece of our own hair brushing against our human noses. It isn't even just thier back feet either. All one has to do is to carefully touch just the toetufts and they will twitch.

-- Anonymous, May 20, 1999

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