Who am I???

greenspun.com : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread

I have decided that I will bear all to those trusted ones who ask. Don't ask why I have decided this, I don't even know. Well here is the time I will be online to answer questions or just talk, 11:00pm Mountain Standard Time. If you can't be on at this time and there is something you would like to finally know you can respond to this posting, or e-mail me. That is all.

-- Master_of_The_Hunt (lol@wouldilie.com), March 24, 1999


Hmm...I don't know what day you had in mind..and have no idea what time that is over here in NZ, so I'll just leave you a message here.

Hope everything is going well with you Master, glad you are happy. *hugs*

Maybe I'll see you online sometime.


-- Venus. (venusthegoddess@hotmail.com), March 25, 1999.

Master, I haven't even figured out who I am yet! Wow, It must be nice to be at peace with your true self, etc. Or did you mean that you are someone else online in disguise? I'm so easily duped. See you soon.

-- Laighe of the Limberlost (laighe@excite.com), March 26, 1999.

Hey Master! Long time no see or hear from. Please drop me a line. I'd love to catch up with you. I'm not out much at all either, so I know when we are both out...it is more than likely not at the same time. I haven't even seen Forever around... so.. why not an email to get me up to date. Love you Sweets!

-- Semp (kerosene00@hotmail.com), March 31, 1999.

Don't tell me???...Half the time are you BOTAR????? lol

-- Washngo (KFGJokerDOC@worldnet.att.net), April 02, 1999.

OH WASH!!!!! LMAO!!!!!!

-- SunflowerGirl1 (dianne63@hotmail.com), April 02, 1999.

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