when was Pope John Paul 2 shot?

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when was pope john paul 2 shot?

-- bish kawa (www.foo@bar.com), March 25, 1999


Response to when was pope john paul 2 shot?


-- Elzbieta J. (elzbieta11@hotmail.com), June 18, 1999.

Response to when was pope john paul 2 shot?


-- brendan (brendan009@hotmail.com), October 24, 2000.

Response to when was pope john paul 2 shot?

Hello, Brendon.
Thanks for resurrecting this old thread, which I had not seen before.
Elzbieta was not quite correct in answering 13.05.1983 as the date of the shooting.
The correct date was May 13, 1981 [13.05.81]. The Vatican's brief on-line biography of the pope has this to say:
"At 5:19 p.m. a young Turk, Mehmet AlC, Agca made an attempt on the Pope's life while he was circling St. Peter's Square before his General Audience. Severly, wounded, the Pope was operated on for 6 hours at Gemelli hospital."

God bless you.

-- J. F. Gecik (jgecik@desc.dla.mil), October 25, 2000.

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