How slow can the 67 II go? TTL question also. : LUSENET : Pentax 67 SLR : One Thread

I've seen two different speeds listed on the slow side for the 67 II. One said one second, the other said 30 seconds. Which one is right?

Oh, and the TTL of the 67 II. Is this like Super Program/LX TTL (3 pins) or is it like the newer Pentax cameras (4 pins)?



-- Doug Stemke (, March 26, 1999


To answer your first question: In AE mode the slowest speed is 30 seconds; in manual mode usually 4 seconds which can be extended to 6 seconds if the camera is modified by the Pentax service to allow for 0.5 EV time settings. Regards, Joachim

-- Joachim Inkmann (, March 27, 1999.

I do not have hot shoe for my 67 II, but I belive it is 4 pins (new one). I use flash with Pentax Extension Cord F - 5P which has 5 pins.

-- Pavel Medek (, March 29, 1999.

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