easter bunny

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Catholic : One Thread

a friend of mine asked me today what is the origin of the easter bunny and everything connected with it. Boy! Was i taken by sur- prise!!

does anyone know the answer to that?


-- ENRIQUE ORTIZ (eaortiz@yahoo.com), March 27, 1999


the easter bunny is that magical bunny that goes around once a year on easter and gives kids candy and eggs. THATS A JOKE!!! ha ha Really (this is all taken from memory so i am not sure if i have all the details right) so here goes: The word Easter comes from the word ishtar? which is an ancient pagan day of worshiping birth,reprodution,spring time, when everything is renewed. The bunny represents well have you ever heard that saying "doing it like rabbits" and the egg represents simply just birth -the start of life etc. From what i remember, the celebration even included lots of sex! So, really it is a disgrace that we call the day that Christ arose from the grave easter don't you think? Maybe just "Ressurection Day" would be more appropriate!

-- Michael (mdroe@erinet.com), March 27, 1999.

Thank you, Michael.

Many doubts still remain: where and when did all this originate, in what way did it get connected with the Resurrection, was it only because Easter falls in spring?

-- ENRIQUE ORTIZ (eaortiz@yahoo.com), March 28, 1999.

I believe that Jack Kavokian brought this concept forward only calling it

-- jean bouchard (jeanb@cwk.imag.net), May 11, 1999.

Shall try again> I believe Jack Kavokian brought this concept forward only his was the ether bunny.

Peace And Well Being.

Jean Bouchard

-- jean bouchard (jeanb@cwk.imag.net), May 11, 1999.

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