Red dot Apo-Artar : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread |
I'm looking for a longer than 24" lens for my 11x14. I think 24"Red dot Apo-Artar can cover the format, but have no info about 30" RD Artar. Any suggestions will be appriciated.
-- Shigehiro Ishii (, March 28, 1999
Buy one. Artars from 12" and up will cover 11x14.
-- Chad Jarvis (, March 29, 1999.
I thought I had read somewhere that the Artars had an angle of like 47 deg and that therefore you should use them at 30% longer than normal for the format. 'Zat that true?
-- Sean yates (, March 29, 1999.
That I don't know. The only Artar I own is an 18". Anyone? Class, class, anyone?
-- Chad Jarvis (, March 30, 1999.