Lurking Fear : LUSENET : Mountaineering : One Thread

This October I have been thinking about doing Lurking Fear on El Capitan. If any body has a gear list for this route, and/or has climbed it, I would really enjoy hearing about it and knowing a gear list. Thanks Robert

-- Robert Hecker (, March 30, 1999


Robert, Well you found the site for this info. Look under Tuan's page for some info, as well as on the FISH website, (linked at the bottom of Tuan's page) these should help you out. Good luck!


-- Feelio Babar (, March 30, 1999.

Lurking Fear is a great route. I did it last year and every belay was totally bomber. A few years back the route was free climbed (for the most part) so all the belays and ladders are new (thankx to a Bosh) The route goes clean, but bring the usaul 5-10 heads, coulpe sawed-offs and a L.A or 2. Keep them in the bag and you will be alot happier though. I would bring a double of Tcu's (or aliens) a double of friends to 3.5, couple large cams, and lots of wires and off-sets. On pitch 6 there is a way easy hooking traverse (bolts all the way for pro) so bring them. The top sucks, but you can rap the route from pitch 19 I think but who would want to. Have fun and ingnore the crowds, it is a busy route. Burt

-- Burt (, March 31, 1999.

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