Nikon 900S - Filters? Memory Cards? Battery life? : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

Does anyone know if anyone makes a polarizing filter for the 900S to screw into the 28mm mount? What is the maximum Compactflash mem. card that the 900S can accept and where is a good place to get from? How long does it take to drain a set of 4 AA alkaline on average? about 1 hr? I know varies alot with LCD use and flashes and AF but a rough number would be appreciated. I'm thinking of getting some NiMH - where is a good place to get from?

Thank you all in advance


-- gary lai (, March 30, 1999


1. No, but you can get an adapter from CKC power which will make it work with standard filters. I\The adapter costs $24.00 and is very good quality. 2. I have the lexar 64mb cf card and it works fine. Hardware street. 3. about 15 minutes if you use the LCD. It's a state-of-the art problem with lcds, NOT a Nikon "bug." 4. NECX; they go for $2.50 each and lower in quantity buys. Don't evern bother with alkalines, nicads, or those vaunted rechargable alkalines. Rich

-- Richard A. Gibson (, April 01, 1999.

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