Sam's Club RedHat 5.2 : LUSENET : MHCUG Linux SIG : One Thread

Went looking for the Redhat 5.2 at Sam's in Fishkill. Not there and no knowledge of future availabity. Which Sam's Club carried it.

-- Jerry Greenberg (, April 01, 1999


I do not know about Sam's Club, but I saw Redhat 5.2 in Electronic Botique in the Gallareia(sp?)yesterday (4/4/99). The price tag was $39.95

-- Len Turkenkopf (, April 05, 1999.

I found the MacMillan, "The Complete Redhat Linux Operating System 5.2 Deluxe" at BJ's for $29.79. The package contains three cd's and one printed book called "The Complete redhat LINUX 5.2 Installation Guide". In addition, the third cd in the package contains four books in PDF format: Red Hat Linux Unleashed Special Edition Using Linux Maximum RPM Sams Teach Yourself Linux in 24 Hours

I thought viewing the books on the tube was going to be uncomfortable. I was wrong !!!! Using the Acrobat 4.0 and going to the full screen width, displays about 2/3's of a page and is very easy to look at.. The benefits of the hypertext seach also make this electronic book very useful.


-- Jerry Greenberg (, April 18, 1999.

The CompUSA sunday color flyer in the NY Times had the MacMillan package for $10 after instore and mail in rebates. It started at $40 with a $10 in store and a $20 mail in rebate.....

-- Jerry Greenberg (, April 18, 1999.

Not an answer to any specific question but instead a report on my latest acquisition.

Back in March, '99 I ordered the updated version of "Teach Yourself Linux in 24 Hours". Actually, this means there are 24 one hour lessons in the book. Also, included in the book is a CD. When I ordered the book I was informed that it was in preparation and would be available in May of 1999. I let the order stand, (from \

Anyway, it finally arrived in my mailbox in late June and to my surprise the CD contained the Caldera version of Linux 2.2! The previous edition of this book contained the Red Hat version of 2.1.

Well, I have not installed it yet since I have been slowly recovering from the Explorer Worm. I had to flash my BIOS and format my hard drives and re-install W98 and everything else. I am still discovering utilities that I use from time to time and need to be installed. Naturally, I back up my system every time I add something useful and this takes time. I can no longer use my 4.5G tape drive since I chose to add another hard drive and an ISE machine can handle only two devices on the bus. Therefore, I have been backing up onto R/W CD's - it takes 4 of 'em! When everything settles down I will install the Caldera 2.2 Linux and record my experiences here. In the meantime, I am making movies using Avid Cinema running under W98. That is time consuming too.

As Jerry Greenberg points out; "PC Computing is a geriatric pastime", and that description surely fits my activity!


-- George R. Monroe (, July 04, 1999.

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