possible demi-semi-diety?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Squishy : One Thread

After reading about the burning bush this morning, I've been pondering.

I need somebody to worship.

I need reassurance in the middle of the night.

I need sarcasm in the early morning light.

And I think I know just the being to nominate for demi-semi-god status.

She has a temple where we may gather.

She doesn't require baby sacrifice (as far as I know)

And she's funny as hell. Personally, I could really get into the idea of a diety with a sense of humor, and not the sicks twisted sense of humor of the one that most people seem bitterly compelled to cringe before.

So whatta ya say? Shall we bow before Pamie? Raise her up amongst us?

Shall we?

-- Anonymous, April 01, 1999


This thread makes me nervous... but I'm curious to see the answers. :-)

-- Anonymous, April 01, 1999

If she keeps doing Tae Bo, her muscles might become bigger than Jesus.

-- Anonymous, April 01, 1999

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