blank LCD -- hard reset & battery drain do nothing!! : LUSENET : Kurzweil Users : One Thread

The LCD on my K2000 has gone blank and all functions are dead. I've done countless hard resets, taken out the batteries to let the ram drain. Everything I could find to try I've tried. Anyone have any idea what else could cause a problem like this? Seems that all of the resources I can find only suggest the hard reset and/or battery drain. This is my last resort before having to spend a fortune taking out to a tech to fix. Any info would be appreciated. Thanks.

-- Eric Vaughn (, April 04, 1999


I had my 2500RS on, left it for about an hour or 3 and when I came back the screen was flickering. I cycled power and when it comes back up, the screen is blank and glowing only. The LEDS on the main button below the soft buttons are sequence left to right about every 2 seconds. Tried removing the batteries, can't hard resest as there is no opening screen to execute the reset. Brand new unit. Any thoughts? Sound like we're in the same boat, sort of kind of

-- Mark (, May 02, 1999.

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