anniversary memories : LUSENET : Squishy : One Thread

What do you think was the best move you made in a relationship (past or present)? Is there a moment when you knew you did something to win them over?

-- Anonymous, April 05, 1999


the best thing I evur dun was whin I showd Hester Sue my orgin at the drive in. The moment she grabed it I new I dun write.

-- Anonymous, April 05, 1999

I had just finished watching a movie with this guy-friend that I had fallen in love with, and not told. He asked me what I was thinking about, and I told him, "I'm wondering what you would do if I kissed you right now." So he kissed me. Later, he told me it was the bravest thing he'd ever seen anyone do.

And now we're married.

-- Anonymous, April 06, 1999

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