CANNON XL-1 DOC -- What are my editing options???? : LUSENET : Editing DV Films : One Thread

Hi --

Can anyone give me the lowdown and my (least inexpensive) options for editing a doc shot on the XL-1, please? Cost is a factor; my budget won't allow for an AVID (unfortunately)!

How low can I go & still get this thing cut??


-- Kelly (, April 07, 1999


Cannon XL-1 Documentary

B&W G3, Digital Origin EditDV, Promax UltraATA Drives & Controller card, Computer monitor, TV Screen.

That's all you need for the basics.

I edited my feature documentary "Circus Redickuless" using Premiere and would *not* recommend Premiere for long-form editing. It is painfully slow with projects over 4-5 minutes long. EditDV is more responsive and doesn't seem to slow down as the project gets longer. Seems as responsive as an Avid or M100 to me, which is certainly not something I would say about Premiere 5.1.

-- Phil Glau (, April 07, 1999.


I will give you the truth. All you will need to make a high quality film is the following:

FireMax plug-ins for Premieretron work fine. EditDV final v4.4 needs to be updated to work, but when it is it is a doozey. Apple's FireWire drivers are (needless to say)clearly not up to spec with the digi max 4.0 last action FinalCut.I had to get a larger HD for my scratch disk not to say switch disks. IBM DeskStar 22GXP (22 gig by 44 MB) HD has the high end ability you could find in any Avid. This gives the room needed to put together hours worth of tape with some breathing room. No extra cards, no special device drivers, the thing just works. Its a nice thing... :-) All for less then 2 grand


-- Degile Scestien (, September 20, 2001.

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