2nd Anniversary

greenspun.com : LUSENET : TitanicShack : One Thread

Whoa, where are the old people? I haven't been back here in so long... Are we doing our anniversary chat this year? Calling Allison, Emma, Dan, Dalton, Misty, etc etc... sorry if I left anyone out.

Again, are we chatting this year?

-- Rose A (rose347@juno.com), April 07, 1999


I'm game, if anyone else is! Just tell me when and where!

-- Misty (HiRver@concentric.net), April 07, 1999.

Me too!

-- Courtney (theclarkes@sprint.ca), April 07, 1999.

If there's one thing to learn from "Titanic" it's that eventually, inevitably, the ship sinks. Why fight it? Don't worry though, no need to jump just yet into a frigid sea of despair with only a crude lifejacket of faded memories.

The stern should remain afloat for another month, although posts will continue to diminish. Then the "Carpathia" will be coming to your rescue at your local theater in May. Unfortunately, the comparison will probably be apt. After dining first class, you might feel as if your huddling, soaked and freezing, on the pitching deck of a tramp steamer eating stale leftovers from a long time ago and far, far away. Unless Lucas successfully makes those cuts that Ron Howard suggested.

So afterwards, discard your corset of complacency. Ride a horse - one leg on each side (in the Grand National). Learn how to fly (a stealth bomber). Become an actor (then president of the SAG, then Governor of California, then....). Don't forget to get tested frequently for the onset of Alzheimer's disease. Then find a life-partner and surrogate a couple of test-tube babies. Or have him do it.

Let's get together in 2080 and see how we "made it count" - provided the world recovers from the Y2K food riots and power outages in time. We'll meet at the grand staircase in the casino of the Titanic Hotel in Las Vegas. That'll be located between the 7th and 8th funnels. I'll be the one telling anyone who will listen that AOL closed at 640 1/2 that day after 20 stock splits since 1999 - and about how I'm still waiting for a correction to get in low. And you'll all be wearing "sinking dresses". With corsets.

-- Dalton (foo@bar.com), April 09, 1999.

Chat: April 17, 1999 at 9pm ET. See ya there!


-- Rose (rose347@juno.com), April 10, 1999.


-- Or try here: (foo@bar.com), April 12, 1999.

Never mind, just try winterchallenge.

-- Or Try Here (foo@bar.com), April 13, 1999.

Oh, how I hate time zones! I can never keep them straight. I'm in Central--is that an hour before or an hour after Eastern?

-- Nonnie Parker (x96smock@wmich.edu), April 14, 1999.


Subtract one hour from Eastern Time to get Central Time.

9:00 PM Eastern = 8:00 PM Central

-- Thomas M. Terashima (titanicshack@yahoo.com), April 16, 1999.

Thanks, Thomas! :-)

-- Nonnie Parker (x96smock@wmich.edu), April 16, 1999.

I couldn't make it to the chat on 17 April--unexpected travel. Will there be another chat sometime?

-- Nonnie Parker (x96smock@wmich.edu), April 19, 1999.

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