Sony FD91 red eye reduction : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

I would like to know if the FD91 has red eye reduction as a reature

-- Rowan Mark Price (, April 10, 1999


Well, if you own Photoshop it does. Just kidding. No - the flash on the Sony is nigh worthless. I think the folks at Sony think all eyes are supposed to glow.... If you want flash control go for a digital made by a CAMERA company like Nikon or Canon. These come with flash sync's that can connect to real flash units. I've rigged my Sony FD91 with a mirror to block the flash, reflecting it upward (letting no light forward) which in turn triggers a peanut slave on my Nikon SB11 flash. It looks pretty good for a lash-up.


-- Dan Desjardins (, April 12, 1999.

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