deja vu/war as sadness : LUSENET : Catholic : One Thread

all you or i can make are observations on the current situation in Yugoslavia. what isn't/didn't work in yugoslavia is diplomacy - diplomatic efforts headed by 'Bilderberger' Richard Holbrooke - a part-time employee of Clinton - failed. i was saddened by this diplomatic failure. notice also how diplomacy is valued to lesser extent - how the sophistication; advancements in peace-making efforts are funded less and touted less (eg Albright's efforts in the Middle East) than war-making abilities - the miliary commanders bragging about the accuracy of their weapons. what is working is profit-making - the war industry gets to turn over their products. what isn't working is the bombing - an increase in atrocities rather than a decline. i assume that what is working is the 'Bilderberg' agenda - no one in the media asks their role in the origin of this war in yugoslavia because when 'Bilderberger' David Rockefeller asks for a media black-out; he gets a media black-out. what can we do??? i have asked here for some contemplative meditations in addition to traditional prayer; gather your thoughts and feelings and direct them eastward; ask questions; ask what happened; what do we learn from it; maybe write your Congressional Representatives or Church Reps; i don't know but i do know that the individual does not matter in times of war...

deja vu/war as sadness

unlike alexander; he was looking up at the clouds; seeing not words in the clouds: 'in this sign conquer' as did constantine; but, he was looking for a moment away from bloodshed; the glint of a sword from one behind; the feel of fire as it crossed through his neck; sent him 'out of body'; to see his headless torso collapse to the ground; to watch his severed head as it rolled down the hill; hair mixed with blood and mud; his hair became the sound of whips...

he comes to rest near an old shed; the Child picks him up; drops him to the ground; the war, as sadness, continues on...


-- Philip Henika (, April 11, 1999


Your reference to Yugoslavia and America's efforts there raised an interesting point for me as an Englishman.

What are people's views on the American governments response to the September 11 atrocity and the mis-hadling of the situation in Somalia by the American special forces?

-- Love Panda (, February 09, 2002.

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