Which set of Filters and 77mm filter on Pentax 75/4.5greenspun.com : LUSENET : Pentax 67 SLR : One Thread |
I have three lenses (55/4, 100/4, 200/4) form my 67II and I am planing to buy another two 45/4 and 75/4.5. Now I would like to buy set of filters for those lenses. First three lenses have 77mm thread and other two ones have 82mm thread. I am thinking about Cokin X (profi line for threads up to 112 mm) filters - does anybody have it ? or about BW MC filters. Can you advise your experiences with filters, which do you use. Do resin filters have any coating ? Is possible to use 77mm filter with step down ring on 77/4.5 as I feel that this lens has bigger front lens than is necessary. I would appreciate any suggestion. p.s. other brands like LEE, Linhof etc. are very difficult to get here in Czech.
-- Pavel Medek (talema@top.cz), April 12, 1999
Pavel: I use mostly Tiffen but have one B+W and one Hoya. Using a 77mm on the 75mm f/4.5 could easily cause vignetting. Have you considered using only 82mm filters on all of your lenses? You would need adapter rings to do this of course. This is what my brother does. I have all the different size filters and it adds weight to my camera bag. But, messing with adapter rings is also a disadvantage. There doesn't seem to be a whole lot of difference in quality between the three filter makers I have listed. The B+W does fit better on my lenses though. SR
-- Steve Rasmussen (srasmuss@flash.net), April 12, 1999.
Not sure what you mean by graduated filters. I use built in lens hoods only with my lenses and filters. Yes, some of my lenses don't have hoods.I doubt very much that Pentax add on hoods would cause vignetting. SR
-- Steve Rasmussen (srasmuss@flash.net), April 13, 1999.
Steve : Do you use graduated filters ? How would you solve this need ? Do you use hood with filters, does it not cause vignetting ? I know there is not free lunch, but I want to make best possible decision.
-- Pavel Medek (talema@top.cz), April 13, 1999.
Pavel - I did a little research recently to find a filter system that would fit all three of my lenses - 45mm, 135mm and 200mm. The fly in the ointment is the vignetting that can happen with the 45mm. The only system I could find that would work on all three was the Lee. Each of the lenses requires an adaptor ring to hold the Lee filter holder. The ring for the 45 is "inset" to the outside of the lens so that the holder is closer to the lens glass. I have used my Galen Rowell/Sing-Ray graduated ND 4inch (120mm?) filters without problems, but have not yet used the 4inch Tiffen polarizer (which is 4mm thick) as I needed to order a 4mm guide from Lee for the Tiffen separately. Hope this helps. Don
-- Don Boyd (dwodon@azstarnet.com), April 16, 1999.