Graflex Optar 65 - Tele-Xenar 180 : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread |
I just got hld on these lenses, and would like to know quality, imagecircle and any words you might have regarding these lenses: Graflex Optar 65/6.8 (does this cover 4x5"?) Tele-Xenar 180/5.5 Hope to get some advive. Thanks Michael Vestergaard
-- michael vestergaard (, April 12, 1999
I doubt the 65mm covers 4x5. It was probably designed for one of the smaller formats.
-- Ron Shaw (, April 12, 1999.
The Optar 65 was designed for 2x3 Century, Crown and Speed Graphics; it will not cover 4x5. Mine is quite good; I bought it as a smaller replacement for a 65 Superangulon when backpacking a 2x3 camera.
-- John Lehman (, April 19, 1999.
The 180f5.5 is a 6x9 only lens unless you want a circle image on 4x5 which might be cool!
-- Emile de Leon (, June 30, 2001.