Velbon Carbon Fiber : LUSENET : B&W Photo: Creativity, Etc. : One Thread

What are the experiences of the group using Velbon carbon fiber tripods?

-- Larry Hensley (, April 12, 1999


I've recently bought a Velbon Carmagne 630 (the one with three as opposed to four sections), but I haven't had much opportunity to use it yet. The ergonomics seem much better than the comparable Gitzos (the 1200 series). The leg locks are easier to tighten and loosen and are easier on the hands than any Gitzo I've ever used, and the leg spread is much easier to set. The centerpost unscrews in a clever way that allows you to set up very low to the ground quickly and easily. It seems very well made, but possibly not as robust as the Gitzos (this is just a guess). I think it may be slightly shorter than the Gitzo. In my opinion it's a much better deal overall than the Gitzo 1200s, which cost a lot more.

-- Chris Patti (, May 03, 1999.

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