greenspun.com : LUSENET : Squishy : One Thread

Hey - Just wondering if you went to Katy HS - Saw you in the paper this morning, felt that small town nosiness in me, (creeps up every once in awhile). Well, your unusual last name looked familair, and thought I would ask, My purpose, you may ask, well I don't have one - Good to know you are doing things, Just a girl from Katy, Irene

-- Anonymous, April 17, 1999


Well, here I am, signed up for alerts for this forum, so you know it caught my eye. But apparently it's not anybody falling over themselves to wonder about *me*, so I'll go away now.

And I've never been anywhere near Katy, TX.

- Katy

-- Anonymous, April 17, 1999

Yes, I did go to Katy High School. Did we know each other? It's been quite some time... or did you know my sister?

-- Anonymous, April 17, 1999

I have never been to TX, but I tell you what caught MY eye about that message...my name is Katy :) I was a bit startled! Just another interesting fact about my name: Yesterday I watched Air Force 1, and you know the Vice President; Glenn Close? Her name is Kathryn Bennett in that movie, and that is MY NAME!!! My name is Kathryn Bennett. I was so shocked, I had to rewind twice to actually beleive it. Ok, I'll shut up now!

Love Katy

-- Anonymous, April 17, 1999

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