Critique on my website at Asiaphoto.Com : LUSENET : B&W Photo: Creativity, Etc. : One Thread

Hi, I would value any comments or suggestions for my website at

Highlights are the "Greats of Photography" section, which feature more than 8 master photographers, their photos, achievements, galleries and well as make recommendations on books regarding black and white photography and photojournalism.

Included are also book reviews, guest works and my own gallery.

-- Dawn Tan (, April 22, 1999


A very nice site. I wanted to look at Liang-Wu Cai's photos a bit closer, but found the thumbs are not linked to larger images.

-- Ed Buffaloe (, April 23, 1999.

Nice initiative, but the pictures are too small and they aren't thumbnailed to see them larger. Now, it has purely the recognizing function for people who know the picture.

-- Lot (, April 24, 1999.

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