Will mc ever be a petgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Maine Coon Cats : One Thread |
We were given an mc that was used for breeding only. She is 4 years old and apparently has had very little contact with humans. We have kept her secluded and have attempted to "tame" her. However, she stays hidden and hisses whenever we come into the room. I am wondering if there is a way to socialize her. Also, if she cannot be socialized how can we determine if she will breed. The people that had her had a male but said she seemed disinterested. Any help!
-- Anonymous, April 25, 1999
As a rule, the younger you socialize a cat, the less effort it is. (One of the things you should be getting, when you buy a pet from a reputable breeder, is a cat that has had this early socialization, and thus is a pleasure to handle and be with.) Your question about breeding concerns me, however. There are plenty of Maine Coons to be had, so the only reason to breed one should be that it demonstrates many positive characteristics of the breed, and has (by virtue of its pedigree) a good chance of passing them on. At this point, with your cat, it doesn't seem clear whether her personality issues are mostly due to nature or nurture, but it IS easy to prove that a female who is distrustful of her people is likely to produce kittens which behave similarly. If you are dead set on breeding, you owe it to yourself, the kittens- to-be, and their owners-to-be, not to waste the effort you will put into any litter to start them off right, and that means choosing parents with sound health, friendly dispositions, and good physical structure. Regards, AmbarAmbar Maine Coons
-- Anonymous, May 20, 1999