Maine Coon jumps into refrigerator : LUSENET : Maine Coon Cats : One Thread

I have a 10 month old Maine Coon that has taking a severe liking of my refrigerator. Whenever I or my guest opens the refrigerator, he jumps into it and sits there.

He will make a beeline from where ever he is at. I never give him food out of it, so I am not sure why he is so interested.

I have even closed it on him (not very long, of course) to see if the dark would scare him out of it. I think he actually enjoys it.

Anyone see this same sort of behavior?

-- Anonymous, April 26, 1999


Petey is a 10 1/2 month old orange neutered male MC. He has been enjoying jumping in the refrigerator since he was about 3 months. He seems to be doing it less now that he is up to about 12 pounds and I keep the lower shelves fuller. He also seems to do it less since I bought him a friend. Ruby is a 6 month old female MC. He has been devoted to her since I got her about 3 months ago. She has no interest in the refrigerator, but both of them enjoy playing in the bathtubs!

-- Anonymous, April 27, 1999

I too have an orange male MC who loves to jump into the fridge ! Of course, he also likes Leseuer canned peas and boysenberry yogurt ! His tastes in MANY areas are rather unique, but that's OK- diversity makes life interesting !!

-- Anonymous, May 06, 1999

I had a cat(not MC) that loved the fridge. He took it one step further, he would open it. How he did it I will never know. I have found that a spray bottle works wonders to establish boundries. It only took about 3 times getting wet and they shy away from any off limit places. Good luck

-- Anonymous, May 08, 1999

My one and a half year old Maine Coon, Quincy, also loves the refrigerator. I have a hard time closing the door because he stands with his front feet on the shelf. The worst though is he learned to open the freezer. I've lost a few pounds of hamburger and a few steaks. If he weren't so cute he would be in big trouble!


-- Anonymous, August 25, 1999

Our 7 month old too has a fasination with the refrigerator. When it is dinner time, he will sit in front of it and keep crying until you let him look over the contents. We do not keep his food in there, but he seems to feel the need to investigate. I too have closed the door on him and it has had no effect on him. It has become a daily routine in our home.

-- Anonymous, November 01, 1999

Our 4 month old male MC also loves the frig -- I thought that was just wierd on his part cause that is not where his food is -- he knows where that is too and likes to crawl in the cabinet where that is kept. But, open the refrigerator door and there he is, front and center, with all the Meow's he can muster.

-- Anonymous, March 25, 2000

i have 2 MC's who love the refrigerator also. I just give them a littlr nudge so I can shut the door. They are still to small to jump in. I hope they learn before they are big enough to jump in.

-- Anonymous, April 03, 2000

Our guys (1 1/2) don't jump in, they jump ON. the first time I came around the corner and looked up at a cat, I jumped. Thank God for our MC's, they certainly keep us laughing.

-- Anonymous, July 13, 2000

As A child I had a cat, I didn't know her breed at the time but after owning a maine coon and also reading these entries, I think that she was at least part maine coon. One time we lost her. I can't remeber hoe long we looked, as a kid it seemed like forever, but I remember that we found her in the fridge. Even as I write this I imagine that it's impossible, but I remember it as true. She was fine. There were lots of kids in my family so I am sure that she was only in there fotr a short time. She had a lot of the other characteristics mentioned on this site. A big fluffly tail, a tendency to sleep acroos my neck like a scarf and kneading me as if she was nursing.

-- Anonymous, July 20, 2000

"Pookie" my 6 month old Maine Coon as well loves to sit and look in the refrigerator when I or anyone else open it, he has never tried to jump in it, but doesn't want to move so I can shut the door, I usually have to pick him up and move him before i can close it.

-- Anonymous, July 20, 2000

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