Name of switching station : LUSENET : Southern Railway : One Thread

There is a section of track just north of Harrisburg, N.C. and just south of Concord, N.C. that has a sign on it marked with the name Haydock. I am trying to find out why the sign is there (it's on railroad property) and who it was named after. Thanks

-- Dana Haydock (, April 26, 1999


Dear Dana,

Haydock is the name of the CTC control signal governing movement to and from the double track segment from there to North Kannapolis. All control signals on the Charlotte District of the Piedmont Division have station signs. The Southern has referred to this location as Haydock since full double track was eliminated in 1964 or 1965. I have asked a lot of veteran railroaders where the name came from. The only answer I have ever received was that the small adjacent community was at some time known as Haydock.

-- Ben Lee (, April 27, 1999.

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