Partner for S. Face-Washington Column? : LUSENET : Mountaineering : One Thread

Hey out there!

I'm looking for a partner to do some Grade V's this spring/summer in the Valley, starting with the South Face on Washington Column, then The Prow, then....? I need a solid free-climber who's done at least a handful of long moderates in the Valley, knows how to jumar, and wants to have fun! I'm so easy-going, I can get along with damn near anyone. Drop me an email if you're interested.


Pete (04/29/99)

-- Pete Gray (, April 29, 1999


Pete, I might be interested. A buddy and I are heading up to the Valley near the end of May to make our second attempt on the South Face. I free-climb in the 5.8/9/low-10 range, and my buddy is a little stronger than I am. If you are interested, drop me an e-mail and we can see what we can work out for the future...

-- Jim Leininger (, May 04, 1999.

Pete, I'll be down in the valley starting June 19 until July 3. I don't have partners after the 25th. and would love to do the column. I've been weathered off twice after finishing the Kor roof. Let me know. Norm

-- Norm Reid (, May 28, 1999.

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