What's up with Asteroid?!?!?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : MAME Action Replay : One Thread

I don't know what's going on, but I cannot get Bill's or Donut's Asteroid to playback for nothing. If the info they selected is correct, they both played the game using m35b11 in dos. I selected no sound, and it still didn't work? Anyone having the same problem?

Regards, Steve Krogman

-- stephen krogman (skrogman@concentric.net), April 30, 1999


They both seem to play back fine for me. I used DOS 0.35 beta 11 with no sound on. I didn't watch either one to the end, but they both got the score to wrap before I gave up on them...

I wonder what you could be doing differently to me? It's odd - Donut tells me that my 'bublbobr' recording won't play back past level 5 as well. I recorded it without sound, he's playing it back without sound, and it plays back for me no matter what frameskip I use...

Anybody got any idea what's up?


-- Zwaxy (zwaxy@bigfoot.com), April 30, 1999.

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