Busy busy busy

greenspun.com : LUSENET : garden project : One Thread

Hey, all, it's me again. I'm still swamped, but I did get in some gardening this weekend -- I mostly weeded and planted annuals in pots, but at least it involved digging in the ground instead of holing up in an office.

My veggies have all sprouted and been transplanted into six packs, but it's been cold and wet so I haven't gotten the vegetable bed ready. Eventually I'll get to it. My Dutch irises have come and gone since I last updated; the roses are almost done with their first bloom; I've planted fuchsias and impatiens and lobelia. We're about to have the first daylilies and canterbury bells.

The site: I took it down in preparation for *not* renewing xeney.com, and in frustration over never being able to update. We're broke, I'm busy; there ain't much gardening or web time in my future. But I think Jeremy is going to murder me if I don't renew xeney.com and put the site back up. He usually gets his way, so we'll see what happens.

I haven't been checking the e-mail from the garden site, but I will do so later this week. I apologize if I owe you mail. I'm just a teensy bit overwhelmed with other stuff right now.

-- Beth (garden@xeney.com), May 03, 1999


Good to hear from you again! good to hear you've been able to get in a little bit of gardening, it's time well spent, time on something that you enjoy. Need to have some of that, else the rest just becomes too hard.

I really must send Jeremy his payment...


-- Amanda Page (amanda@amandasprecipice.com), May 03, 1999.

Ix-nay on the ayment-pay. It's a ecret-say!

-- amanda e. (amanda@gawow.com), May 04, 1999.

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