4x5 film scanners

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

Wondering if anyone had any advice on film scanners for 4x5 film that are not very expensive (below $1,000) or if it is worth waiting for upcoming technology. Thanks.

-- HDD (hdevoto@hotmail.com), May 04, 1999


Check out the Microtek Scanmaker 4.
Microtek Web Site

-- Dan Desjardins (dan.desjardins@avstarnews.com), May 04, 1999.

The problem with the less than $1,000 units is that their dynamic range will be pretty poor: If you care enough to shoot 4x5 film, you're almost certain to be unhappy with the results from a sub-$1K scanner. Wait another year or two, and you'll see more the kind of results you'd want. (Or spend $5-7K today for something that will really handle what the film can do.)

-- Dave Etchells (detchells@imaging-resource.com), May 10, 1999.

Wait Wait AND Wait!!!Recently bought and returned the Epson 4870 Pro.If your looking for high res and quality does not fit the bill.If all you are doing is putting up on web should be ok.

-- David Chapman (dbcphoto@hotmail.com), December 09, 2004.

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