Infrared filter? What did Weegee use? : LUSENET : B&W Photo: Creativity, Etc. : One Thread |
Does anyone know what Weegee(?) used to filter the visible spectrum from his flash for his candid infrared photography? He shot in movie theaters, etc. I think there was a thread on this at one time, but I can't find it.
-- Rick Stiles (, May 04, 1999
I believe he used IR flash bulbs which were available that time.
-- steve (, May 10, 1999.
I dont't know this Weegee but a friend of mine used unexposed but properly processed slide film taped over his flash bulb as an IR filter. It works pretty well, although you still see some red light flashing it's not obtrusive at all and you can go by rather unnoticed.
-- Gert Raskin (, May 20, 1999.
Rick, Going from memory here, but I believe the Wratten #87 filter is the classic "eliminate all the visible light" filter that you can tape over the flash. I did some candid party stuff way way back in high school this way, and it worked very well. You could just see a dull red glow looking right into the flash, and nothing if looking elsewhere. I do not know if the Wratten (gelatin) filters are still being made by Kodak, but check your with your photo dealer. Conrad
-- Conrad Hoffman (, July 31, 1999.