Adjusting a Canham DLC 45 : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread



For those who own the Canham DLC 45 camera:

From speaking with Keith Canham, when the levers on the Canham DLC 45 camera need to be adjusted you should use .05 and 1/16 allen wrenches (American sizes).

These sizes are not typically available in "bulk" sets found in hardware stores, so you may need to look around a bit.


-- Robert Ruderman (, May 05, 1999


The Bondhus brand allen sets have both these sizes. I've seen them at numerous hardware stores (I believe Home Depot sells them) and through Micro-tools (

-- Larry Huppert (, May 07, 1999.

Also "Great Neck" N:HK11 which is an 11 piece set of hardened, tempered, hi-carbon tool steel, rust resistant, for less than $

-- chris aubry (, August 19, 1999.

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