B & L Protar Series VIIgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread |
I have recently come to have a set of Bausch & Lomb Protar Series VII lenses (11 3/16, 13 3/4, 16, 18 7/8, 23 1/8). I don't know if this is a complete set, of if there are other focal lengths. I am looking for information on the use of these lenses, as well as any practical advise anyone has. It would be really usefull to find an old technical data sheet, or even catalogue information. The specific information I am looking for is the effective focal length and aperature of the various combinations, angle of coverage etc.
-- Roger G. Morse (rgmorse@morse-associates.com), May 09, 1999
You may try contacting Bausch & Lomb. They are still around, and maybe you can get lucky and get into thier archives. You may be able to do some poking around on the net.
-- Ron Shaw (shaw9@llnl.gov), May 10, 1999.
I don't know if he still has the time to answer questions, but Ron Wisner is one of the most Protar savy folks I can think of. He has his own sets for 4 X 5 - 8 X 10 including some of the wide angle ones. try e-mailing or calling him at his 800 number.
-- Sean yates (yatescats@yahoo.com), May 10, 1999.