Coolpix 950 availability : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

How and where are you people (others in this forum) getting your Nikon Coolpix 950's. I've been on a waiting list for months and my supplier (and others - I've checked!) keep pushing the delivery date back waiting for Nikon to ship. Does anyone know the full scoop, someone said something about production problems ? It sounds (reads?) like you lucky few are pleased with your purchase and enjoying your 950s.

-- Steve (, May 11, 1999


You might try

I was able to get my Epson Photo 750 printer from them before Epson had officially released it in the US. They have a real-time inventory that you can see how many they have in stock. If an item is out of stock you can leave you e-mail address and they will let you know when they have it. I left my e-mail address for the Photo 750 and about 3 days later I got the notification. I ordered it that afternoon and by the end of the day they were out again so you will need to keep a close eye on you e-mail.

-- Bob G. (, May 11, 1999.

Last time I was checking the PC Connection & also State Street direct both had some in stock.

-- Fred (, May 11, 1999.

I played with one at a local Shutterbug Store in Santa Rosa, CA. Check your local camera store. Of course another store across town, said they have not received any of the CP950 cameras as they were delayed. Go figure. I ordered mine through Best Stop in NY via phone last week and they said they had them in stock. I should receive it late this week. I used this link to find online resellers and their prices:

-- Paul S. (, May 12, 1999.

Here is my experience. I saw the 950 on for $846(tax, ship extra) and went to order it THE NEXT DAY and it was up to $999, but they had it in stock. I ordered it from Cyberian Outpost for $899 incl ship no tax to CA) and won't get it until 6/15. So I am here, drooling and getting educated.

-- Alice Fredericks (, May 16, 1999.

I got mine at Rize camera ratail store. I cancel my order from, which I waited for two weeks, and got mine from Rize the next day for the same price of $899. Check them out, but don't go to front counter, you need to ask for commercial sales person.

-- Don Choe (, May 17, 1999.

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