Opening/Closing the back door on the 67 : LUSENET : Pentax 67 SLR : One Thread

ok, first, why the h*ll did they make it so hard to open the back door to this camera....even if you have fingernails, you wont after opening this monster... AND, when you close the door, do you just snap it closed or do you pull down on the locking tab, close the door shut, then release the tab ? does it make a difference ? I know long term many older 67's have doors that no longer snap shut this an issue ?


-- Dan (, May 11, 1999


Dan: Mine has never been that rough on the fingernails. No, it still isn't easy but nothing like what you describe. Mine is the Asahi Pentax and could be slightly different. To close, simply push the back shut. SR

-- Steve Rasmussen (, May 11, 1999.

Mine pops open when I release the catch. I always put it on a tripod when changing film. Handling the spools is a trick sometimes.

-- Tom Goodrick (, May 14, 1999.

Gosh, I have no problem getting the door open. Mine just pops open easily when I slide the lever. Now getting the spools in properly so the spool retainers close and seat is another matter altogether. While I have noticed that loading the takeup spool is helped by moving the spool key with the film advance lever, there is no such assistance available for the supply side spool that I have discovered so far. While I always manage to get it loaded, sometimes after a few mighty oaths uttered under my breath. I do have to say the Hassy magazines are a lot easier to load, at least for me. But I still love the Pentax 67, after I get it loaded, that is!

-- Bruce McLaughlin (, March 29, 2000.

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