Fudging In Canada

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Rainy River : One Thread


I'm the Co-founder of Millennium Salons and Co-designer of the Community Preparedness & Recovery Network this site is connected to.

I was born in Atikokan, where my family lived for two years before moving to Schreiber, Ontario. We lived there for 12 years before moving to Thunder Bay. I'm now living in Mississauga, Ontario just west of Toronto.

The good people of the Rainy River area should be aware of the discrepancies in some of the latest Y2K progress numbers coming out of Statistics Canada of late. We've been hit with a good deal of 'good news' about our remediation progress in the media which has made a lot of people become quite complacent about the dangers of Y2K.

Please take the time to read Fudging In Canada.

-- Gary Allan Halonen (njarc@ica.net), May 11, 1999


Sorry. Here's the correct URL:

Fudging In Canada

-- Gary (njarc@ica.net), May 11, 1999.

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