What do you like to do better, studio or location assisting?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Photographic Assistants : One Thread

When you travel, you are responsible for making sure all the gear is brought along. The schedule is more hectic, and there rarely seems to be down time. You do get to see new "scenery" each time, and interact with different people, among other things. But what do you like to do better, studio or location assisting?

-- Sean (sharkma@prodigy.net), May 12, 1999


I make the most money per day when assisting for photographers travelling from other cities, I make avaliable stands, lights, scrims, tripods, sand bags, flags... all the heavy stuff smart photographers would rather rent at the destination...(hey they mark it up and make money on the rental fees!)

-- Abel Sanchez (aamsanchez@hotmail.com), January 26, 2000.

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