Climbing Near Moscow Idaho? : LUSENET : Mountaineering : One Thread |
I am heading to Moscow Idaho for grad school. I have not been too successful in finding climbing spots out there. Does anybody know of good long routes within an hour drive of Moscow. BTW, moscow is one hour south of Spokane.
-- Matthew (, May 14, 1999
I'm not too sure about spots REAL close (<1 hour) to Moscow, but outside of Sandpoint the entire Selkirk Crest, a subrange of the Rockies, beckons. I have climbed a bit up there, and there are many multi-pitch routes of all levels of difficulty in the Crest. Chimney Rock is a sport area *way* back in the sticks-best to approach from Priest Lake. Routefinding and approaches will not be a cake-walk, though. You are in the woods! Find a copy of Randall Green's "Idaho Rock" published by The Mountaineers, 1987. It's the only printed guidebook that I know of for the range.Alternatively, go to Tim Tula's "Rock and Road" on-line climbing guidebook at http\\ and click on the map icon. It's all 3rd class from there!
Climb smart, and if you need more beta, email me.
-- Paul Soboleski (, May 20, 1999.
Sorry about the SNAFU on the address. Try this one:
-- Paul Soboleski (, May 20, 1999.