What did your parents do right....what did they do wrong.

greenspun.com : LUSENET : PK Port : One Thread

Hindsight can be a wonderfull thing. Many PKs are now parents them selves. Share your experiences.

-- Anonymous, May 15, 1999


John from NZ has requested this topic.

In my wife's family it was drummed in "What's the issue, struggle with it & persevere" it almost became a family joke as the PK's reached adulthood as they had done exactly that in their endeavours. Anytime the parents then asked a question/had an issue....the answer came pretty quick. Seriously though it really helped Fiona and her sister's focus to the real issue and not some "side issue/distraction/avoidance mechanism" and has served them all well.

In my family.....my mother taught me how to give and my father gave me my voice (singing).....two wonderful gifts I have used which have bought me great blessing.


-- Anonymous, May 16, 1999

Just visited your web site and I have a news item for your Marriage & Family Reading Resources. My book, an inspirational book for moms-to-be and new mothers called NEW PSALMS FOR NEW MOMS (Judson Press, 1999, ISBN 0-8170-1298-2) has conversational prayers and guided journal pages to encourage new moms and help them create a meaningful keepsake for themselves and their children. The book is written in a non-denominational way and includes multicultural illustrations so that any mother can make it her own.

This book is now being sold on barnesandnoble.com, in most bookstores, and from Judson Press at 1-800-458-3766.

I believe that NEW PSALMS FOR NEW MOMS makes a thoughtful and unique gift for any women of faith. I hope you'll want to share it with your site's visitors as a good resource for women.

Thank you for your kind attention.

Linda Ann Olson Executive Director of Communications Eastern College lolson@eastern.edu

-- Anonymous, August 10, 2000

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