Need beta on Wishbone Arete (Mt. Robson) : LUSENET : Mountaineering : One Thread

Any info/expieriences on the Wishbone Arete (Mt. Robson) would be greatly appriciated!

Thanks in advance, Dean

-- Dean Bakes (, May 17, 1999


Do not attempt the route if there is significant fresh snow on it, which happens quite often even in July or August. The first half of the ridge is primarily a rock route and fresh snow makes it much harder and scarier. I bailed from about 6 pitches up and we had to downclimb it as the rock is so poor you can't get in rap anchors.

The rock is extremely poor on Robson, probably the worst I have ever encountered. Your best descent option is the standard S side route, which is not trivial and you would be wise to scope it out before hand.

-- George Bell (, May 17, 1999.

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