Lens repolishing-135 w.f ektargreenspun.com : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread |
I have a 50's era 135 w.f. ekatr that has scratches on the rear element that I suspect may be creating some areas of soft focus. Images shot with the lens can be very sharp in some areas but either soft or out of focus in other areas in the same focal plane. I'm contemplating having the rear element repolished. Does anyone have any opinions on this? My other option would be to sell this lens and by a new comparable lens although modern 135's have a smaller image circle. This is my favorite focal length.
-- Kevin Kemner (kkemner@tateandsnyder.com), May 17, 1999
Why not look for an 'as is' 135 wf ektar, which would happen to have a good rear element?-dan strawberry9@worldnet.att.net
-- straw berry (strawberry9@worldnet.att.net), May 19, 1999.