Auto Immune Hemolytic Anemia : LUSENET : Maine Coon Cats : One Thread

Last Friday (5/21/99) I lost my wonderful 3 1/2 year old Maine Coon cat. For approx. the last 8 months she would get sick, and come up anemiac, ranging form 19 to most recent 12.5 blood level, 30 is normal for cats. All the test we ran on her (FIP, FIV, Leukemia, Heart Worm) would come back normal. Last Wednesday we sent a blood sample to Univ of Minnesota to check on Auto Immune Hemolytic Anemia. Unfortunally Maddie died on Friday. The Doctor said her little heart gave out (due to not enough ozygen being in her blood, and that her heart was pumping so fast it couldn't keep up) . I would appreciate any info on this diaease, to help me with my grieving. Thank you.

-- Anonymous, May 23, 1999


Carol I have 2 7 month old Alaskan Malamute brother and sister that the vet feel like the male has the same problem as your cat. Did your cat have a fever that didn't go away? My two pups have a fever all the time the male is anemic not the female at this time. He has even had a blood tranfusion. They are on prednisone and antibiotics. Its now been a month since this nightmare started. The male pups white blood count is very high.

-- Anonymous, October 24, 2000

I have a little mixed breed poodle/daschund which is auto immune anemic. She was being treated holisticatly by my vet and she was basically dying. My vet moved and I went to a new vet who started Muffin on prednisone. Within weeks she was doing much better and within a couple of months her red blood count had gone from 9 (if you can believe it was that low) to 40. I know that prednisone is not the best, but if it prolongs the life of the animal and they are pretty much healthy, then I am all for it. My dog has been on prednisone for almost 7 years now.

-- Anonymous, October 27, 2000

This is actually a response and question combined. I have mysteriously acquired AIHA myself. No one in my family has ever had any type of anemia problem----and cause is unknown. Reading these and other articles, is there ANY possiblily that I could have acquired this from my dog or cat?

-- Anonymous, December 11, 2000

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