JPEG subsampling in FlashPix : LUSENET : FlashPix Format : One Thread

I am implemeting a FlashPix encoder and I have problems with standard decoder software (Corel 8, PhotoShop 5..). The software crashes with ellegal page fault errors if I JPEG compress the tiles with subsampling format 4,2,2. With 4,2,0 it works properly. The tile header table is correctly updated with the infomration about the subsampling format...

Does the decoder software or the FlashPix Standard not support the subsampling format 4,2,2 ?

Thanks for help

-- Andreas Goertz (, May 28, 1999


Are you implementing it with intentions of putting it as Open Source? Can I have a copy of the code as well?

-- Rommel Feria (, May 28, 1999.

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