Any info or comments re: Caltar/Ilex Wide Field f-8 90mm : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread |
Hi Everyone,Does anyone have any info on the Caltar/Ilex Wide Field f-8 90mm lens, dates of production, performance, image circle. I have heard from a friend that this lens was a copy of a f-8 90mm Super Angulon. I'm thinking about purchasing this lens a an economical (approx $325.00)entry to the 90mm focal length. The new 90mm lenses are quite expensive, more than I had realized. Someone also suggested the f-6.3 120mm Osaka Commercial lens imported by Bromwell, any comments on this lens as well.
-- Craig Maxwell (, May 29, 1999
Craig, I purchased the Caltar-Ilex 90mm lens a number of years ago when I was starting out in LF work. I don't know much about the technical specs, but I can tell you that the image quality is not that terrific. I still use it, but find myself disappointed in the results. While the new Caltar lenses are made by Rodenstock, I have no idea who made the old ones - it certainly isn't Rodenstock quality. I can't say whether it's a copy of the old Schneider 90mm Angulon.Like all tools, you get what you pay for and it pays to get the best you can afford. Personally, I wish that I had held out for a better lens years ago and now I'm saving my nickels for a Nikkor or maybe a Schneider SA 90mm to take its place.
-- Bruce Pollock (, May 30, 1999.
You can get a used, older chrome 90mm f8 Super Angulon from KEH in BGN condition (usually EX condition compared to any other store) for $350.
-- shledon hambrick (, May 30, 1999.
You want a decent 90mm lens for a start into the wide angle stuff? Get a schnieder 90mm f6.8 in a decent shutter for less the $200 at They are very good lenses to start out with. A used schneider or Nikkor 90mm f8.0 can be had for less than $450. And if you want to pay less go to and bid on one.
-- james (, May 30, 1999.
I believe the f-6.3 120mm Osaka Commercial lens is the same as the Congo, which you can get info on here: A friend of mine in the local photo club uses a Congo 150mm, and it performs very well. They arent cutting edge designs, but seem to be well made, established optical formulas.
-- Ron Shaw (, June 01, 1999.