TOOLBAR IMAGES!!!! : LUSENET : MW Software's Visual BASIC Descusion System : One Thread

Hi... I'm using VB5 with the Active X TAB control.. this is my problem.. I create and image list for the toolbar and place the images in the imagelist..

Well, i run the program once and the images on the toolbar are normal, when a second attempt is made all the images in the toolbar have a black background.. all the images are correct and are transparent(or use the mask color)

Please help.. I have no idea what's causeing this...

Thank you in advance.

-- J.W. Mays (, May 30, 1999


I had this problem too. I don't remember exatly what I did, but try to do this two things:

1- Use another maskcolor. Use strong colors for it, like the colors of the 16 color pallete. 2- Install the Visual Basic Service Pack 3. (Maybe it's a bug)

PS: Excuse me for my bad english.


Fred Boratto - BRAZIL

-- Fred Boratto (, May 31, 1999.

Sometime, when windows dont have to much memory he want to show bitmaps in toolbar without of mask color, in this case black background on toolbar. Also, sometime you can't see any picture in toolbar in VB IDE mode but you can see in stand-alone exe file of project.

Common-Controls32 don't use rational memory and that is why do that.

You can try with refresh event for toolbar: toolbar1.refresh

My english is not so perfect!!!

I hope that will help.

-- bogdan pavlovic - boki (, June 08, 1999.

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