Sony 88 real 1280 or : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

Some said the 88 may not be a real 1280 enhancement but interpolated. Does anyone know???? what is interpolated anyway versus real , is there really a diff. in the picture??

-- jess russell (, June 01, 1999


Hi Jess, the Interpolated is a process within the camera, after the picture is taken, it is combination of hardware & software on the product (in this case Digicam) that will improve the quality of image, it is not a sure bit, it sometimes improve the image quality, and sometimes it gets worse. The electronics and the software burned into EPROM is not smart enough to diffrentiate between different photos (or more suffisticated units have very limited analysis) and what is the true requirement to improve the image. Different photos would require different enhancements to improve, the Interpolation is normally very limited to specific techniques that would be applied commonly without much of acknowledgement of the type of photo and analysing the requirements. I do not know if Sony 88 is XGA or 1280. I am very familiar with FD-81 & FD-91, and these two are XGA. Good luck to you.

-- Fred (, June 02, 1999.

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